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ISSN 1509-1945

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Hygeia Public Health 2017, 52(3): 274-280pl

Health behavior of Roma living in Malopolska

Joanna Zalewska-Puchała 1/, Monika Jarzyna 2/, Anna Majda 1/, Iwona Bodys-Cupak 1/, Alicja Kamińska 1/

1/ Pracownia Teorii i Podstaw Pielęgniarstwa, Instytut Pielęgniarstwa i Położnictwa, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu UJ CM
2/ absolwentka, Instytut Pielęgniarstwa i Położnictwa, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu UJ CM

Introduction. Interest in the culture and way of life of national and ethnic minorities has been growing in Poland in recent years. Among such minorities are the Roma people, who, despite living on the Polish territory for centuries, have preserved their own customs, traditions and culture. The Romany culture can influence health behaviours, different approaches of its members to health care, as well as to the diseases and treatment.
Aim. To evaluate health-promoting behaviours of the Roma living in the Malopolska region.
Material and method. The study was conducted by the diagnostic survey method, using the questionnaire technique. The authorial questionnaire used in the survey served as the research tool. The statistical analysis was carried out provided by the Statgraphics Centurion software. A total of 117 Roma respondents living in Malopolska were surveyed.
Results. The only health-promoting behaviour exemplified by the majority of the respondents was the number of hours of sleep a day. By contrast, health-risk behaviours included: smoking cigarettes, adding excess salt to dishes and snacking. Almost a half of the respondents ate at irregular times. The respondents´ diet was abundant in meat, animal and vegetable fats, white bread and sweets. Almost a half of the participants dealt with stress by meeting with friends and smoking. The variables which considerably influenced health behavior of the respondents were: gender, BMI index and place of residence.
Conclusion. Health-risk behaviors observed in the group of Roma under study call for more effective preventive healthcare in this ethnic minority.

Key words:  Roma, health-promoting behaviors, health-risk behaviors, stress